Top 10 Tips when Considering a Home Birth

It’s so important to make an informed decision when planning where you are going to give birth. There are so many uncontrollable factors in pregnancy and birth (i.e. when the baby is going to arrive, what sex it’s going to be!) that there is a real source of comfort in choosing and planning the place where you want this special experience to take place.

1) RESEARCH There is a wealth of information surrounding homebirth and one of the best resources available is which is regularly updated and reviewed. The issue of homebirth has continued to be a hot topic over the years and there are many ‘opinions’ floating around but also well founded research on this subject. Delve into the information that is available and make your own mind up on whether this is an option you would like to pursue.

2) SEEK PROFESSIONAL ADVICE Everyone’s pregnancy is different and home birth is not advisable for everyone, even if it is your preferred option. Bearing this in mind, a midwife or doctor cannot actually decide whether you can, or cannot, have a homebirth. Their role is to advise, the decision itself lies with you.

3) GAIN SUPPORT FROM YOUR BIRTH PARTNER Although it is fundamentally your choice, it is so important for your birth partner to be completely on board with your decision. They will play a vital role in the birthing process (who else is going to make the tea?!) and will be a support throughout. Share with them the research you have done but also the emotional reasons surrounding your decision.

4) FIND A LOCAL SUPPORT NETWORK The National Childbirth Trust (NCT) has a number of homebirth support groups operating throughout the UK. This is an invaluable resource and gives you the chance to meet other mums who have had a homebirth or are planning to have one. See for information on support groups in your area.

5) EXPLORE A WIDER ONLINE SUPPORT NETWORK offers a great online discussion forum that allows women who are interested in homebirth to share information. Social networking sites such as Facebook are also worth checking out as there are a number of homebirth groups such as 'Homebirth UK' and 'Homebirth' where stories are shared and issues are discussed that are relevant and useful.

6) SORT OUT THE PRACTICALITIES This is where companies like mine come in and although we can provide you with a box of all you need for your homebirth you may find you already have much of what is need under your own roof! Check out for some ideas on what is needed for a homebirth. Also look at the homebirth equipment list on for some midwives suggestions on practical preparations.

7) CONSIDER THE ‘WHAT IF’S?’ Preparing for the unknown is always sensible, so having a hospital bag packed is definitely worth doing. If you are the type of person who likes to have all bases covered you will benefit from reading up on the occasions where hospital transfer is recommended. There is an excellent article on that explores the ‘what if’s?’ objectively supported by a wealth of birth stories that will hopefully inspire and reassure.

8) BRIEF YOUR BIRTH PARTNER As you will be somewhat distracted during labour it’s important that your birth partner knows exactly what your wishes are and how you’d like things to be done. If you’ve planned to have a room set up with candles, aromatherapy and cushions for example, they need to know in advance so it can all fall into place on the big day. It is also important for them to be fully aware of other items on your birth plan such as pain relief needs and the ‘what if?’ scenarios, just in case they need to take a more active role in communicating your wishes during labour.

9) RELAX When you’ve made the decision to give birth at home, be at peace with it and feel safe in the knowledge you can change your mind at any time. Once the preparations have been taken care of and your birth partner knows what they are doing there is little more you can do, other than wait for little one to get things moving.

10) ENJOY(!) Sounds unrealistic to some, but homebirth is an incredible experience. Many people who successfully give birth at home become complete advocates for this exact reason and would never chose another place they’d rather be.

For me, there was a distinct sense of nature taking its course in a calm, peaceful environment where I was totally at ease and in control of my surroundings. My ‘best bits’ the birth were cuddling my new baby in bed whilst everyone cleared up, then soaking in a candlelit bath as my birth partner cradled our newborn- complete bliss and I wouldn’t change it for the world.